Sunday, June 25, 2023

Dell XPS 13 Screen Sleeps When Laptop Is Moved

To sum it up. Nothing fixes this problem. Plan to do clean install.

Dang screen sleeps when I gently move or tip the laptop. It's like the movement triggers the lid closing sensor. If I tip it again it comes back on. After a restart it will be okay for awhile and then it starts again.

I've tried every setting known to man but nothing will cure it long term.

Shutting down and starting does nothing even with fast start turned off.
Restart will cure it for awhile.

Nothing works long term - planning to do clean install

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Windows Phone Link App

 I like Phone Link on Samsung phones. I bought a new phone and could not get the app to set up the new device. I uninstalled the Windows app and redownloaded from the miserable Windows Store.

Open PowerShell as admin
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.YourPhone -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage

Now go to store and download Phone Link app

If Store won't open try resetting time on Windows.
I just turned off automatic time and turn it on again and then sync.
It worked.

In an unrelated observation I noticed the automatic time zone was greyed out. I use recommended settings in O&O Shutup and it disables location tracking. If you do a search within O&O for "location" and reverse those settings you can turn on automatic time zone. This was not necessary to use Phone Link but might come in handy for traveling laptops.

Monday, June 12, 2023

Nilesoft Shell Context Menu


Shift + right click on taskbar includes shell options as top option.

After change to shell.nss, cntl + right click restarts fresh shell with alterations.

This site to download new shell.nss theme.
* Choose raw then right click and save. Rename as shell.nss. Back up original as shell.nss.bak and move new shell.nss into folder.
* I grabbed  nilesoft-shell/macchiato/catppuccin-macchiato-green.nss and quite like it.

I found unaltered shell.ness hard to read on a dark background.
I couldn't come up with the right numbers to get the proper effect so replacing was easier. Just back up shell.ness to shell.bak and copy the code into shell.ness.

Oh, what the heck. Here is the code.

name = "modern"
color = #24273a
opacity = 100
// effect = 2

opacity = 100

prefix = 1

normal = #cad3f5
select = #cad3f5
normal-disabled = #a5adcb
select-disabled = #a5adcb

select = #494d64
select-disabled = #363a4f

enabled = true
size = 1
color = #a6da95
opacity = 100
radius = 2

enabled = true
size = 5
opacity = 5
color = #181926

size = 1
color = #363a4f

normal = #a6da95
select = #a6da95
normal-disabled = #a5adcb
select-disabled = #a5adcb

enabled = true
color = [#cad3f5, #a6da95, #24273a]
exclude.where = !process.is_explorer

images import 'imports/images.nss'

import 'imports/static.nss'
item(where=this.title.length > 25 menu=title.more_options)

menu(mode="multiple" title="Pin/Unpin" { }
menu(mode="multiple" title=title.more_options image=icon.more_options) { }
import 'imports/file-manage.nss'
import 'imports/develop.nss'
import 'imports/goto.nss'
menu(type="taskbar" vis=key.shift() pos=0 image=\uE249)
item(title="config" image=\uE10A cmd='"@app.cfg"')
item(title="manager" image=\uE0F3 admin cmd='"@app.exe"')
item(title="directory" image=\uE0E8 cmd='"@app.dir"')
item(title="version\t"+@app.ver vis=label col=1)
item(title="docs" image=\uE1C4 cmd='')
item(title="donate" image=\uE1A7 cmd='')
import if(isw11, 'imports/taskbar.nss')

Pin Not Available

Crazy Error I had not seen before. Pin not available blah blah. I restarted a few times and it finally worked. If it doesn't some say to...