My daughter just purchased a new Kindel 3G for me from someone on Craigslist who received it as an unwanted Christmas gift. It included a leather cover and three year extended warranty, all for $218. Now that is a deal. This eliminated my agony over whether to buy 3G and a cover. I never would have purchased the extended warranty but love having it.
I am 20% through my first book and yes, the Kindle is great. When I opened the Kindle there was a welcome message on the screen. The print was so crisp and clear I thought it was a plastic cover on the screen and tried to "peal" it off. No, the print is that crisp and clear.
For my first book I chose "The Steel Wave" by Jeff Shaara. I had already read the first book in this trilogy and it was fun to so easily find and buy the second one.
I am somewhat disappointed in the availability of Kindle books. Many of the selections I picked so far are not available in Kindle format. One trick I found is using Calibre, a free ebook cataloger. "God and Man at Yale" by William F. Buckley is a book I always intended reading but it has no Kindle version. I did find it in pdf. I downloaded it and let Calibre convert it to Kindle format. But alas, it was not a full version. So I'm combing the web for free books worth reading until I find something I want to spend 5-10 bucks on.