2019-07-19 Simplified
Downloader is #1
Fire just say "downloader" into mic.
Shield (thinking-maybe playstore)
APKTime (Get it right away. Several apps for Shield error on download "can't parse package" but I have not run into this with Firestick.)
Fire-Downloader http://troypoint.com/kodistable (seems not to be on store)
Shield in Playstore
Current Best Kodi Build
Current Best APK
UnlockTV APK
Fire-Downloader http://bit.ly/unlocktv
Shield-Downloader http://bit.ly/unlocktv
VPN-Private Internet Access
Seems to be in All Playstores now
PuffinTV is the best - (Forget all other browsers)
Fire get it from APKTime
Shield get it in playstore
Fast.com Internet Speed Test works well in Puffin. Bookmark it.
https://www.techdoctoruk.com/downloads/ is a good bookmark also.
Youtube (no adds)
This is a moving target . . . So try
or APKTime
Filelinked is another way to acquire apks. You need an address and sometimes a pin.
This program can be irritating at times.
address 22222222 pin 4754
This address has most current apks
Ciberflix (has worked well but recently iffy)
CinemaHD (can be okay)
Any more than this and you are just playing. Not that there is anything wrong with that :)