Network Share:
Lan gave me a fit for awhile. I'm not overly familiar with Linux and have never set up a Samba share before.
This is a good document but it took awhile to find what he was talking about.
This is also a good document to understand what is being set up. It takes the mystery out of what Simple Samba is doing behind the scenes.
The PPM to which he refers is Puppy Package Manager which is in the Setup Menu (the bottom left). Slacko will have Samba installed already but things will be much easier when you get Samba Simple Management. I couldn't get Samba to start without it. All my Samba-restart commands from terminal had no effect. I'm sure it would work eventually but why struggle when Simple Samba is available.
After installing, Simple Samba will show in the Network menu and look similar to below. Just run SSM and it will set the network share to work. You can change where files are shared but I would just use the defaults to stay consistent in later setups. Unfortunately while trying to get things working before finding this, I issued some commands that may have changed a few things so the default may look somewhat different. The server name of "NewPuppy" is one change and may be the only one. This was my second boot and I probably didn't change much before I found Siimple Samba on this boot.
Just remember the default log on for Puppy is user = root and password = woofwoof. You could change this but why? Are we really using Puppy when a secure share is essential? I have to say, this was wonderfully easy once you find the SSM program.
This is what SSM looks like unaltered
If following the directions in the second article it would look like this:
Yes, I did these screen shots in Puppy and grabbed them from the share folder through my Windows machine to post on Blogger. We are quite proud of ourselves. Really I didn't want to go through the whole double log in thing with Google to post them through Puppy.
Touch Pad and Screen Shot:
To set up the sensitivity and (more importantly) what the single finger tap does, open the Wizard Wizard.
Obvious Pick?
For screen shots just pick the Take A Shot from the Graphics Menu. At first it looks primitive but is very functional. To take a shot of the menu, which closes if you do anything, simply set a 5 second delay, take the shot and quickly open the menu to where you want it. If you did it before 5 seconds you will have the shot.Choosing edit will open in a paint program. Drag select the portion you wish to keep and hit delete. Magically it is cropped. Puppy is wonderful.