Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Window 7 SP2?

I am totally sick of running WSUS on new installs of Windows 7.
Yes I had SP1 slipstreamed into the install but we are way beyond that.
How-To-Geek has a fantastic tutorial for integrating the rollups to make things more current.
You can follow his instructions verbatim to make a more current Win7-Install.iso.

One hickup at the end:
I was on a Windows 10 machine so "Deployment Tools Command Prompt" was not listed in the Start Menu (at least I couldn't find it). I used EverythingSearch to find it. It was on the machine but the AIK programs were not listed on the Start Menu.

Another way of doing this is here. It involves using NTLite, which I have never been that fond of, but I'm sure it works fine.

If you are reinstalling Windows, back up the drivers with Double Driver. Symenu has it but easy to get it elsewhere.

Curl, Wget, Winget & Powershell Install or Download Commands

After the mess I made in previous posts this summary might be useful.     Thanks PatchMyPC, the great and powerful program downloader and up...