2019-06-13 Seems to be moving target. Simplony skin works ok. Load Simplony setting for changes.
Weather codes example 34135:4:US (use zip code)
2019-01-08 Yahoo changed something and this is broken - yet again.
This is the one I am using now.
Do this:
The file you need to replace resides on your PC here:
This is the result:
I looked at this previously more than once and said "No way" am I doing this. But just settle down and go through it step by step. It is quite simple and explained very well.
Curl, Wget, Winget & Powershell Install or Download Commands
After the mess I made in previous posts this summary might be useful. Thanks PatchMyPC, the great and powerful program downloader and up...
In my quest to set up the "perfect" program install worksheet for Windows . . . Priorities are: easy update, easy install, useful...
Go here http://en.savefrom.net / and paste the youtube url or just instert "ss" between "www." and "youtube" ...
Windows 11 Installation Guide: First Things to Do Getting the Windows ISO Grab an official Windows ISO. I get Win11 from here today ...