Thursday, August 29, 2024

Powershell Unrestricted and Download Windows ISO

Forget Windows Media Creation Tool. Download the Windows version you want.

Download the Fido.ps1 script here. Rufus uses it.
Open Powershell and type Get-ExecutionPolicy -List
You probably see this

We just want to run Fido.ps1 once and not change powershell policy forever.
You can use CMD or Powershell
> Of course change "username" and assuming Fido is located in Downloads<

Powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File C:\Users\"username"\Downloads\Fido.ps1
>Remember shift+right-click and copy as path works<

Now when you close Powershell, nothing has changed.

The same thing can be done with Rufus to just grab the Windows.iso but it's not intutive.
In Boot selection choose Non bootable. Then click the down arrow by Select and choose DOWNLOAD. Then click DOWNLOAD
After downloading close Rufus

Let AI Help Blog Posting

I've only done this once and yep, it worked. Create the blog post. Copy the text to clipboard. Go to Claude and paste it in.  Claude wil...