Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Bat File To Exe With Icon

I still like RocketDock. The longer I use any PC, the more things go into my RocketDock.
I prefer using it as portable enabling copying to another machine. The problem is the link point to the wrong place and the attached icons need to be reattached.

One solution is to create a bat file to access the location and then convert the bat file to exe and embed the icon.

The bat file might be this:

start "" "%userprofile%\Pictures\Gimp Work"


start "" https://www.dropbox.com/h

Then grab this (or get the install version on MajorGeeks)
 (When it creates the exe it makes a temporary file & Defender freaks out so approve it.)

Downloading With Curl

Open CMD in directory you want the file curl -O -L "https://github.com/microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml/releases/download/v2.8.6/Microsoft.U...