Friday, October 4, 2024

Downloading With Curl

Open CMD in directory you want the file

curl -O -L ""
-O download the file named
-L follow redirects
I needed both capital O and capital L for it to work

Looking to find how to redirect the download to another location within the command line.

I have had this structure work for multiple file downloads but also mysteriously fail.
curl -O -L 
curl -O -L

This seems to be the preferred structure for multiple file downloads.
    After the initial curl command, list them one after the other separated by a space.
        Sadly more difficult to edit.
curl -O -L

Wget is great also. Maybe faster for some reason.
    It requires install, were as Curl is part of Win 10 and beyond.
        There is Wget2 but the added 2 in the command irritates me :)
            Again, a continuous list separated by a single space.

wget install JernejSimoncic.Wget
Open CMD in folder for downloads

wget --nocheck-certificate

Downloading With Curl

Open CMD in directory you want the file curl -O -L "